It's frustrating how deeply we are bonded to large companies. We use their products everyday. Rarely thinking of what we give them in return.
We allow them to collect & aggregate our personal information & do whatever they want with it!
They are selling literally to anybody who pays for it.
(+80% of Google's &
of Facebook's income is from
targeted ads!)
Even if you keep yourself far away from their products, they are still
able to collect data of
you & your online behavior
on any site where their services are integrated!
of all websites available online are using
Google Analytics)
You & your user's should NOT be the products!
How we solving it?
We do not store any personal information, only the absolute necessary ones.
We do not send any data to 3rd parties. You would like to test it?
Try it with this awesome tool.
This is our first step to be trustworthy.
To make it financially sustainable, we provide you a hassle-free, hosted but paid version of our products!